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The benefits of exercise essay

The benefits of exercise essay

the benefits of exercise essay

Apr 15,  · essay about female juvenile delinquency how to write a good division and classification essay The radial vector is at the toy for this system, and thus increase competition is spurring chang schools, universi one essay writing benefits of exercise country The Benefits of Exercise If you want to feel better, live longer and have more energy then you should consider the health benefits of exercise. The health benefits of exercise do not discriminate against age, sex, race or religion. They are there for the taking if a person is willing to put forth the effort Jan 19,  · 10 Lines on Benefits of Exercise in English Exercise helps to control and maintain a constant weight by preventing a person from gaining excess weight or maintain Exercise combats health conditions and diseases. Exercise improves wellbeing and mood. Exercise boost energy to perform an

Exercise Is Good - Words | Essay Example

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70 percent of North Americans do not get enough exercise and 40 percent say they never engage in any leisure-time physical activities In D. Deen, Exercising is something extremely important to our health. Regular exercise helps releases tension, improves appearance, and increases stamina. The majority of people make up some excuse to not exercise. I understand because I use to be that person. But once it starts to affect your health, a change needs to happen. There are many benefits to exercising, for example: losing weight, helps with your mental health, your bones and joints become stronger, helps with sleep, your memory, gives you more energy and much more. The majority of people all over the world have some sort of mental illness, whether they know it or not.

Mental health has become such a huge issue nowadays, especially with all the suicides that has been occurring and the overdoses. I for example have depression and anxiety. As my stress became worse, so was my depression and anxiety, the benefits of exercise essay. So, my doctor recommended exercise. I tried it, and I can tell you my anxiety has lowered so much than how the benefits of exercise essay use to be before and helped with my depression as well. People who remain active and physically fit are less likely to develop clinical depression. Now there are different forms of exercises that you can do, there is: cardio, lifting weights, yoga, dancing, swimming, riding your bike etc. You can make it fun or to whatever style you want. I personally like to lift weights for an hour, and then do the benefits of exercise essay minutes of cardio.

It gives me the adrenaline I need to continue my day. So, by doing 30 minutes of moderate intense exercise it can help improve your sleep, your self-esteem, increase your stamina, etc. It has helped me with my sleep, my confidence, my self-esteem, anxiety and my depression. I feel much better about myself than I did a year the benefits of exercise essay. Exercising helps you if you have back problems. If you have back problems like myself; I have Minor Scoliosis; then exercising is a huge the benefits of exercise essay. My scoliosis is in my lumbar L3-L5.

I would go to urgent care frequently because of how horrible the pain was. Back exercises also help to rehabilitate the spine and alleviate muscle pain when back pain occurs…. In the beginning I would lift very light weights. As time went by I added more weights, but only what my back can handle. But before doing any of this, stretching is a must. Stretch for a good 10 minutes and then start working out. Not only is strengthening your back one of the benefits, but you also get better posture and even lose some weight in that area. My back has become stronger and hurts a lot less now. Not saying it cured it, I still do have pain every now and then. Another benefit of exercising is disease prevention. But we hardly ever think about when we get older. Being healthy and active can prevent heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.

Depending on the exercise that you do can help prevent certain disease. This makes the connection between exercise and preventing osteoporosis, a disease in which the bones become less dense and more fragile, an easy one to see. I think the biggest help is lowering the risk of heart disease. Even just walking a couple of times during the week can help lower the risk, the benefits of exercise essay. Not only that but exercising helps reduce high blood pressure therefore lowering the risk of getting plaque in your arteries. If you have a lot of plaque in your arteries you are more at risk of getting a stroke, the benefits of exercise essay. As long as you are doing some sort of exercise you will live for a long time.

But you need to make sure you have the right form and doing the exercise right. You can still get injured while you workout, the benefits of exercise essay. Talk to your doctor or trainer to see what they recommend you doing. Every once and a while you can have a cheat day, but with moderation. I know it is difficult at first, the benefits of exercise essay, but it becomes a routine after. You just need to continue and not give up. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

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Physical, Mental, And Overall Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise - How Exercise Improves Health

, time: 3:10

Health Benefits of Exercise - PMC

the benefits of exercise essay

Furthermore, having a moderate exercise may importantly lessen the risk of suffering from type II diabetes and cancer by up to 50%. In addition, exercise can also decrease the hazard of early death by up to 30%. Importantly, the patients who are arthritis ought to do exercise to delay or prevent the development of arthritis in other joints Regular exercise can help lower the risk of developing many types of cancer by helping maintain a healthy weight and losing fat. This includes colon, breast, and other types of cancer. Breast and colon cancer are responsible for one-third cancer related deaths in the United States, due to obesity and inactive lifestyles Benefits of Exercise Essays. Essay examples Essay topics 7 essay samples found. The Benefits and Risks of Exercise for Youth. I read many researches about the benefits and risks of exercise for kids. There are supporters and opponents with these exercises for kids. As well as, Children and adult have response of training exercises but those

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